Smart Choices
By Steve Everett, Manufacturing Manager, PDI
At PDI, our management team sat down some time ago and developed a strategic plan. One large part of this plan was to invest in new equipment for our molding department. After months of research and testing we realized the smart thing to do was to upgrade to electric molding machines.
We were one of the first companies in CT to purchase an electric press using the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund. With the help of CL&P (our electricity supplier) and the supplier of the molding machines, we were able to begin purchasing machines that were more economical and could run with better accuracy than the older hydraulic machines of the past. The initial cost of the electric machines is higher than a new hydraulic machine, but CL&P offered a rebate program and we were able to use that money as a deposit on the new electric machine. Also, we would realize a savings of electricity which would virtually pay for the machine over time.
Here is an example of one job that PDI is able to run more efficiently due to utilizing electric presses. We had a mold that ran 4 days a week, 24 hours a day at a 21 second cycle, it needed an operator 100% of the time, ran in a 2 year old hydraulic machine and we were getting occasional quality dings for the parts. We moved this job to our new electric machine and with no changes to the mold we were able to drop the cycle to 18 seconds and eliminate the labor of inspecting each part reducing it to a quality check every 2 hours, so the parts now just need a conveyor and a box to run. After 6 months we had shipped to our customer with zero defects.
Today PDI proudly uses 14 electric molding machines. We have also invested in sprue pickers and boxing conveyors. We have focused on taking labor out of running our parts, making us globally competitive.
Another part of our strategic plan involved taking advantage of a program offered by CL&P where they replaced all of our factory lighting with “high effect” lighting. We also installed a high efficiency chiller system for our molding department, taking advantage of the 2008 CL&P energy program.
PDI continues to look ahead to the future and plan wisely. With the high cost of energy and the challenges with the economy we are making the smart choices to be sure we are here far into the future and will be able to give our customers the best value for their dollar.
Plastic Design International was started in 1977 in the short-run prototype R&D business. PDI is now one of the most effective Plastic Injection Molding production companies on the East Coast and an expert Mold Making manufacturer. Please contact us with any questions at 860-632-2001.
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